Thursday, October 4, 2007

October 4, 2007

well I guess it has been a few days since our last update. Life has been a little crazy at our house, lots of hussel and bussel and its not even Christmas. Andrew is doing great so we have planned on him going to school wednesday, today and tomorrow but he seems to be so groggy until 10:00. He used to be up by 6;30 and getting everyone else up but when I wake him up early he has a really hard time coming around. thanks to the neutrgen shot he is doing great and his counts are up and great. So back to the school thing---- we will be going tomorrow to see his teacher get a pie thrown into his face. RMMS has been having a fund raiser for Andrew and we are so greatful to everyone and everychild that attends this wonderful school. the fundraiser went as folllows all children who wanted to participate brought money to put into the teachers can that they wanted to see have a pie thrown into their face, I'm not sure who won but I guess we will find out tomorrow. Now school will be another couple of weeks, before he can attend (we hope). We go back to Primary Children's on Monday for a few days for a second round of chemo. I expect it to go well after going through it once I kinda know what to expect I think. The doctor and I spoke today going over his blood test and making sure we had a room on Monday and was answering all of my questions and let me know that the 2nd time around is good but recovery could be a little slower, but since this is Andrew's first time it could go well also. One never knows. Andrew lost his hair today, we cried. Sarah and I came home after attendeing Shelbie's funeral to have Andrew walk up to me and
say mom look and he could pull his hair out, he shook his head and it fell out so I said DON'T lets get it shaved, I don't want it all over the house. So he called his dad to take him because I would cry, (probably true). On the side of good news we
finally found Alyssa a car, she is excited and then some, and it was right in her price range, another blessing from the Lord I say. Well on that note we end for today, because the kids seem to be starving or so they say. Our thoughts our with Shelbie's family and friends, with the Johansen family and the Norlin family. I hope each of you feel our love for you, it is all of your love that keeps everything going. We love the letters and notes that come in the mail, your thoughts and prayers, to our wonderful relatives we love you. You had all better be careful you are becoming as the people in the city of Enoch, to perfect with Christ like love, and you will all be taken right up into heaven. Don't get to perfect I need you all here with me. B


Rachel said...

Always thinking about you guys.

Anonymous said...

Love ya'll! GLad to hear those counts are coming up. Andrew, a shaved head makes you look so tough! Hope you are feeling ok kiddo. Good luck on Monday!

Sarah Wren said...

we'll be thinking of you on Monday (well we always think of you guys:) but especially then) I hope you were able to go to schoo. I bet that was nice to get out. I agree with Amanda I bet you look real tough with a bald head!.
Love Chris and Sarah

Wendy said...

Hi guys,
Just wanted you to know that we think bald is beautiful! Ralph has always said "the Lord only made a few perfect heads, all the rest he had to put hair on!" I bet Andrew is the cutest bald guy in Heber! Can't wait to see pictures!

Rumor has it Spencer is swimming in his first meet on Tuesday. I will be there with my camera! He and Troy compete against each other in the 50 and 100 freestyle. I will email photos asap.

We thought of you guys today during conference. You are such an inspiration to us all. May the Lord continue to bless you and comfort you all. good luck this week at PCMC. Prayers are still coming your way!

The Ogilvies

Rachel said...

Andrew, i thought of you during Conference today as I was listening to Dallin H. Oaks. I think you are pretty cool to have the same hairdo as one of the 12 Apostles!!
Good luck these next fews days. We will be thinking and praying for you!
Love, The Cranes

Rachel said...

Glad you are home Andrew!

Sarah Wren said...

Hope all went well at Primary Childrens. Love you guys! Keep movign forward!
Love Chris and Sarah